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House Alarm

House Alarm

Wherever a person might be living, it is said that a house burglary happens every fifteen seconds. Most homes will be easy prey as most of them have no security system and as a result, a home is extremely vulnerable to any unwanted entry. A house alarm can dramatically lower burglaries from taking place as it works as a deterrent showing burglars that steps have been taken in protecting the home.

A burglar is more likely to break into a home that is poorly protected, as compared to a home that has an alarm system. Homes without an alarm system will provide an unnoticed, easy intrusion. A burglar can sneak into any unprotected home, quickly find something that is of value, and be gone in an instant. A house alarm can prevent this from happening. If they do try to break in they will not get very far, as the police will already have been alerted.

Vulnerability Factors

Vulnerability factors can influence a homeowner’s security and safety for numerous reasons:
  • A lot of people are at home for at least ten hours each day.
  • A lot of people will be in bed and sleeping for about eight hours every night. This makes them especially vulnerable to unwanted intruders.
  • Most people think that, because they are home, burglars won’t try to break in. People unfortunately do not practise caution when they are at home.
  • The home is a major investment that represents years of savings and employment.
These factors will be significantly reduced as soon as a house alarm is installed and working.

The Various Home Alarms Available

There are numerous house alarm systems that can be chosen. A kit can be bought and the homeowner can install the alarm system themselves, or they can hire an alarm company to do the installation for them. References and credentials must always be provided from these companies. They will often also offer discounts for a new buyer. New houses these days tend to already be wired for alarm systems, while some homes might need the wiring system updated. Other homes might have to have a complete wiring job done. Depending on the design and layout of the home, wiring a home can either be difficult or easy. Wireless home alarms are sometimes the most practical and easiest solution.

Some homeowners opt for an outside house alarm without any monitoring. Other homeowners will use an alarm as well as monitoring, and others will opt for a silent alarm that has monitoring. Home monitoring protects a home 24/7, whether the homeowner is on holiday or at home.

Some systems also include a panic button with the monitoring for quicker police response. The button also allows the homeowner to request the help of an ambulance or fire truck if needed. These systems also offer a carbon monoxide detector.

In a standard house alarm system the doors and windows are wired. The alarm will be activated if a window or door is opened. Glass break detectors that are put on the window panes can detect the glass being smashed in or cut open and will set off the alarm.

Inside the house, some systems include motion detectors. These can detect movement in particular areas within the home, such as downstairs rooms or a hall. Movement within these areas triggers the alarm. The motion detectors are easily set for allowing small pets to wander through the home freely. Sensor devices are also offered by some systems that trigger the alarm when infra-red beams are crossed by an intruder. Sound detectors also react to loud sounds, such as glass breaking. A house alarm also allows the owners a few seconds to enter their code for disabling their alarm and preventing it from going off.

Installing home security systems or burglar alarms will help in reducing the chances of a burglary happening. A residential security system provides the homeowner with peace of mind, knowing they have secured their home against intruders. A lot of burglaries will happen when the intruder or burglar was able to get inside a house by means of a back door or window. By installing a house alarm, a homeowner can stop any burglar in their tracks and make sure that those dwelling inside the home are secure and safe.

Kinds of Security Systems

The two kinds of security systems are interior systems and perimeter systems.
  • A perimeter system will involve the use of window and door contacts and the glass break detector. The second a window or door is opened or window glass is smashed in, the alarm will be activated. A perimeter system is the first line in defence because it is able to stop any burglar from entering a building. This type of system is quite elaborate however, and is usually more expensive.
  • An interior system comprises motion detectors. These motion detectors sound the alarm when any movement is sensed within the home. Even though the interior systems will not be the first line of defence, they are not as expensive as the perimeter system.
When there is a power outage it is important to maintain the home security. Even when the power is out the home alarm system should still be effective. Backup power supplies can be used that utilise standard sized rechargeable batteries. A smoke detector can also add further protection to a home, more so when they can be integrated together with the house alarm system. A smoke detector will indicate any fire and gives the homeowners time to safely escape. When the smoke detectors are included with home security packages, they will automatically notify the fire department as well as managing company.

An effective deterrent is to clearly display the signs of the alarm monitoring company. Some homeowners however, have only used these signs without actually employing the use of a home alarm system or company. This can be a deterrent and it could lower the chances of a burglary, but signs on their own cannot completely protect a home.

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